Content Marketing for ABM

Content marketing has long been recognized as a powerful tool for engaging and nurturing prospects throughout the buyer's journey. As businesses increasingly adopt Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategies to target high-value accounts more effectively, it has become crucial to adapt content marketing practices to align with the unique needs and goals of ABM. By leveraging content marketing in the context of ABM, marketers can deliver highly personalized experiences that resonate with their most valuable accounts, fostering stronger relationships and ultimately driving better results.

In this article, we will explore how to develop and implement a content marketing strategy specifically tailored for ABM campaigns. We'll discuss the importance of personalization, content mapping for different stages of the buyer's journey, and multi-channel engagement to create a cohesive and impactful approach. By understanding the best practices and key considerations for content marketing in an ABM context, you'll be well-equipped to create compelling content that accelerates your ABM success and strengthens your relationships with your most important clients and prospects. 

How is ABM different from traditional content marketing?

ABM and content marketing both use content to engage prospects, build trust, and hopefully generate long-term client or customer relationships. 

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a clearly defined audience, with the objective of driving profitable customer action. It encompasses a wide range of tactics and channels, such as blog posts, social media, email marketing, whitepapers, webinars, and more, to reach and engage with prospects and customers throughout their entire lifecycle.

On the other hand, unlike traditional content marketing, account-based marketing is a targeted approach to B2B marketing, where resources and efforts are focused on a specific set of high-value accounts. In ABM, sales and marketing teams work together to identify, engage, and convert those target accounts into customers, using personalized campaigns and tactics that address the unique needs and challenges of each account.

While content marketing is a key component of ABM, it's just one aspect of the overall ABM strategy. Content marketing can be applied to various marketing strategies and audiences, whereas ABM is a specific, targeted approach to engage and convert high-value accounts in the B2B space.

Therefore, ABM and traditional content marketing differ in several key aspects:

  1. Focus: ABM concentrates on high-value target accounts with strategic alignment and revenue potential, while traditional content marketing broadly targets a wider audience, often based on buyer personas.
  2. Personalization: ABM involves creating highly tailored content and messaging that addresses the unique needs and pain points of specific accounts and their decision-makers. In contrast, traditional content marketing typically creates more generalized content to appeal to a larger audience.
  3. Sales and marketing alignment: ABM requires a strong collaboration between sales and marketing teams to effectively engage and convert target accounts. Traditional content marketing may not necessitate the same level of alignment.
  4. Objectives: ABM aims to build long-term relationships with key clients, accelerate sales cycles, and increase deal sizes, while traditional content marketing primarily focuses on generating leads, nurturing prospects, and building brand awareness.
  5. Measurement: ABM tracks success through account-level engagement metrics and ROI, focusing on the impact on specific target accounts. Traditional content marketing measures success based on broader metrics, such as leads generated, website traffic, and content engagement.
  6. Resource allocation: ABM invests resources and budget into a targeted set of high-value accounts, resulting in more efficient use of marketing efforts. Traditional content marketing often spreads resources across a wider audience, targeting multiple buyer personas and segments.
  7. Channels and tactics: While both ABM and traditional content marketing can use similar channels and tactics, ABM places a greater emphasis on personalized interactions, targeted advertising, and events that are specifically tailored to the chosen target accounts.
Marketing leaders discuss how to use content marketing for ABM.

What are the goals of ABM?

ABM has become popular in B2B marketing in recent years due to its targeted approach, which allows companies to focus their resources on high-value accounts that are most likely to generate significant revenue. The rise of marketing technology and data-driven tools has made it easier for marketers to identify, engage, and personalize content and campaigns for specific accounts, leading to improved efficiency and effectiveness. ABM's emphasis on aligning sales and marketing teams helps organizations streamline their efforts and create a cohesive strategy, which ultimately accelerates the sales cycle and drives better results. Additionally, as B2B buying processes become increasingly complex, involving multiple stakeholders and decision-makers, ABM's personalized approach helps cut through the noise and deliver tailored solutions that resonate with each account's unique needs.

Of course, businesses always invested in marketing with the goal of ultimately achieving an ROI. However, the goals of ABM differ from other marketing approaches in the following ways:

  1. Targeted account focus: ABM aims to build and strengthen relationships with a select group of high-value accounts, as opposed to a broader audience, by addressing their specific needs and pain points through tailored marketing efforts.
  2. Sales and marketing alignment: ABM fosters close collaboration between sales and marketing teams to accelerate sales cycles, increase deal sizes, and improve overall efficiency by focusing on strategic accounts with higher revenue potential.
  3. Enhanced marketing ROI: By concentrating resources on a targeted set of accounts, ABM aims to improve the return on investment of marketing efforts and increase the overall effectiveness of campaigns.
  4. Long-term relationship building: ABM prioritizes nurturing long-term relationships with key clients, fostering trust and loyalty, which can lead to increased customer lifetime value and retention.
  5. Personalization and relevance: ABM seeks to provide a personalized and relevant experience for target accounts, differentiating itself from more generic marketing approaches, and driving deeper engagement with key stakeholders within those accounts.

The goals of ABM are consistent with the goals of traditional marketing more broadly. Both ABM and traditional marketing approaches ultimately aim to generate revenue, increase brand awareness, and foster strong customer relationships. 

Like traditional marketing, ABM seeks to engage target audiences with personalized, relevant content and experiences that resonate with their unique needs and challenges. Both strategies emphasize the importance of data-driven decision-making and continuous optimization to improve campaign effectiveness and ROI. ABM, however, focuses specifically on high-value accounts in the B2B space, ensuring that marketing efforts are strategically directed towards the most impactful opportunities.

What is an example of account-based marketing?

An example of account-based marketing could be a B2B software company that specializes in CRM solutions targeting mid-to-large sized e-commerce businesses. The ABM campaign might involve the following steps:

  1. Identify high-value target accounts: The company selects e-commerce businesses that meet specific criteria, such as revenue, growth rate, and size, and align with their product offering.
  1. Research target accounts: The company gathers insights on the target accounts, such as their unique pain points, organizational structure, and key decision-makers.
  1. Align sales and marketing: Sales and marketing teams collaborate to develop a shared strategy, defining roles and responsibilities to ensure seamless execution.
  1. Personalize content and messaging: The company creates tailored content, such as case studies, whitepapers, and webinars, that address the specific challenges and needs of the e-commerce industry and the target accounts.
  1. Multi-channel engagement: The company engages the target accounts through various channels, such as personalized email campaigns, targeted social media ads, and exclusive industry events.
  1. Monitor and optimize: The company tracks the campaign's success using account-level engagement metrics and ROI, adjusting their strategy based on the insights gathered to continually improve their efforts.
  1. Relationship building: The company nurtures long-term relationships with the key stakeholders in the target accounts, fostering trust and loyalty, ultimately leading to increased sales and customer retention.

To find examples of account-based marketing campaigns, you can explore the following resources:

  • Industry blogs and publications: Websites such as MarketingProfs, Demand Gen Report, and B2B Marketing often feature case studies and success stories on ABM campaigns, showcasing real-world examples.
  • Vendor websites: ABM platform providers like Terminus, Demandbase, and Engagio often share customer success stories, case studies, and best practices that highlight how their clients have successfully executed ABM campaigns.
  • Webinars and online events: Many marketing experts and organizations host webinars or virtual events discussing ABM strategies and examples. Attending these events can provide insights into successful campaigns and offer opportunities to connect with other professionals in the field.
  • Social media and professional networks: Join ABM-related groups on LinkedIn or follow marketing experts on Twitter to stay updated on the latest ABM campaigns, trends, and examples.
  • Books and guides: Some books, such as "ABM is B2B: Why B2B Marketing and Sales is Broken and How to Fix it" by Sangram Vajre, and "Account-Based Marketing for Dummies" by Sangram Vajre and Eric Spett, provide examples and case studies of successful ABM campaigns.

By exploring these resources, you can gain valuable insights into real-world ABM campaigns, learn from their successes and challenges, and apply these lessons to your own ABM initiatives.

What is an example of an ABM strategy?

When thinking through how to build an ABM strategy, it can be useful to look at examples, especially if you’re not already working off of an account-based marketing strategy template.  

Here are some ABM strategy examples from industry leaders


Adobe leveraged ABM to engage with enterprise-level prospects by creating highly personalized experiences, targeting key decision-makers, and focusing on their unique pain points. This helped Adobe improve its close rates and increase deal sizes.


Snowflake, a cloud data platform provider, utilized ABM to target specific accounts, develop customized content, and align its sales and marketing efforts. This resulted in shorter sales cycles, higher engagement rates, and increased revenue.


Terminus, an ABM platform provider, used its own technology to create a targeted ABM campaign that focused on a small number of high-value accounts. By personalizing content and ads for their key prospects, Terminus was able to increase its sales pipeline and drive revenue growth.


MongoDB, a database platform provider, implemented an ABM strategy to target high-potential accounts, creating personalized content and experiences to engage decision-makers. This helped MongoDB accelerate its sales cycle and generate higher-quality leads.

These examples demonstrate the power of ABM when executed well, showcasing how companies can achieve significant results by focusing on a targeted group of high-value accounts and delivering personalized marketing efforts.

A female executive presents on how the team's content strategy supports its broader account-based marketing approach.

What is content strategy for ABM?

A content strategy for an ABM campaign should be tailored to the specific needs and interests of the target accounts and their key stakeholders. Here's an outline of how to develop a content strategy for ABM:

  1. Research target accounts: Gather in-depth information about the target accounts, including their unique pain points, business objectives, decision-making processes, and key stakeholders.
  1. Map content to the buyer's journey: Identify the stages of the buyer's journey for each target account and create content that aligns with their needs at each stage, from awareness to consideration to decision.
  1. Personalize content: Develop customized content for each target account, addressing their specific challenges and interests. This could include personalized blog posts, case studies, whitepapers, webinars, and email campaigns.
  1. Address key stakeholders: Create content that speaks directly to the key decision-makers within each target account, addressing their unique roles and concerns. This may involve creating role-specific content, such as executive briefings, technical guides, or industry reports.
  1. Utilize various content formats: Leverage a mix of content formats to cater to the diverse preferences and needs of the target accounts. Examples include written content, videos, infographics, podcasts, and interactive tools.
  1. Multi-channel distribution: Distribute the content across various channels to maximize reach and engagement, such as email marketing, social media, targeted advertising, and events.
  1. Measure and optimize: Continuously track the performance of the content at an account-level, gathering insights to optimize and refine the content strategy over time.

By developing a content strategy that is personalized, relevant, and aligned with the needs of the target accounts and their stakeholders, an ABM campaign can effectively engage and nurture relationships, ultimately driving better results.

How do you succeed with ABM?

To succeed with ABM, it's essential to focus on collaboration, personalization, and continuous improvement. 

The first crucial step is to align your sales and marketing teams, ensuring that both groups have a shared understanding of ABM goals and objectives. Establish clear communication channels and define roles and responsibilities for each team member. Then, set measurable goals for your ABM campaign, such as increasing deal size, shortening sales cycles, or improving account penetration. Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that you'll use to track your progress and make data-driven decisions throughout the campaign.

Next, focus on developing a targeted account list by selecting high-value accounts based on factors like revenue potential, strategic fit, and industry alignment. Use an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) to guide account selection, and gather in-depth information about the target accounts, including their unique pain points, business objectives, decision-making processes, and key stakeholders. Create a personalized content strategy that addresses the specific needs and interests of your target accounts and their stakeholders, mapping content to the different stages of the buyer's journey. Utilize multi-channel engagement tactics, such as email marketing, social media, targeted advertising, and events, to maximize reach and nurture relationships.

Finally, continuously monitor and measure the performance of your ABM campaigns, tracking account-level metrics and gathering insights to optimize and refine your strategy over time. Regularly analyze the data to identify areas of improvement, and make adjustments to your campaigns based on those insights. By focusing on collaboration, personalization, and data-driven decision-making, you'll be able to create an effective ABM strategy that nurtures long-term relationships with your most valuable clients and drives better results.

How do I get started with ABM?

To get started with ABM (Account-Based Marketing), follow these initial steps:

  1. Align sales and marketing: Ensure both teams have a shared understanding of ABM and its objectives. Establish clear communication channels and define roles and responsibilities for a seamless execution.
  1. Define objectives and KPIs: Set measurable goals for your ABM campaign, such as increasing deal size, shortening sales cycles, or improving account penetration. Identify the key performance indicators you'll use to track your progress.
  1. Identify target accounts: Utilize a data-driven approach to select high-value accounts based on factors like revenue potential, strategic fit, and industry alignment. Develop an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) to guide account selection.
  1. Research target accounts: Gather in-depth information about the target accounts, including their unique pain points, business objectives, decision-making processes, and key stakeholders.
  1. Develop a tailored content strategy: Create a content strategy that addresses the specific needs and interests of your target accounts and their stakeholders, mapping content to the different stages of the buyer's journey.

By focusing on these initial steps, you'll create a strong foundation for your ABM campaign and can move forward with implementing personalized tactics, multi-channel engagement, and continuously refining your strategy based on performance data.

How to start content marketing for ABM

Once you have your ABM strategy in place, you can start the content marketing piece by following these steps:

  1. Align content with account segments: Develop content themes that resonate with each account segment, focusing on their specific needs and pain points.
  1. Map content to buyer's journey stages: Identify the stages of the buyer's journey for each target account, and create content that addresses their needs at each stage - awareness, consideration, and decision.
  1. Personalize content: Tailor your content to each target account or buyer persona, demonstrating your understanding of their unique challenges and offering valuable solutions.
  1. Collaborate with sales: Work closely with your sales team to ensure the content you create supports their efforts and is aligned with the overall ABM strategy.
  1. Distribute content effectively: Use various channels to distribute your content, including email, social media, and targeted advertising. Leverage tools such as LinkedIn Campaign Manager to run targeted ad campaigns and reach the right decision-makers in your target accounts.

Monitor and optimize: Track the performance of your content marketing efforts, analyze the data, and optimize your content strategy based on the results to ensure continuous improvement and maximum ROI.

Two marketers analyze the results of a content marketing campaign.

Types of content marketing for ABM

For ABM, content marketing can be categorized into a few different types based on the level of personalization and the target audience. These can be mixed together, depending on your overall ABM content strategy. 

Account-Specific Content

Highly personalized content created for individual target accounts, addressing their unique pain points and business needs. Examples include customized case studies, whitepapers, or tailored product demonstrations.

Segment-Specific Content

Content tailored to a specific account segment or industry vertical, addressing common pain points and requirements within that segment. This may include industry-specific reports, webinars, or blog articles.

Role-Based Content

Content targeting specific roles or personas within target accounts, addressing the needs and interests of decision-makers and influencers. Examples include executive briefings, role-specific guides, or thought leadership articles.

Educational and Thought Leadership Content

Content aimed at providing value and establishing your company as a trusted resource and industry expert. This type of content often includes best practices, industry trends, research findings, and insights that are relevant to your target audience but not necessarily tailored to specific accounts or segments.

ABM content marketing examples

While B2C content marketing examples are quite easy to find, finding creative content marketing examples for B2B, especially for ABM, can take some digging. Web-based publications like the Content Marketing Institute can be a good place to start,

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